Bad Breath Treatment
Though bad breath can range from mild to severe, it can be treated both professionally and at home with the right oral care solutions. The first step in getting rid of bad breath is to address the cause and then treat those causes. Bad breath, also referred to as halitosis or oral malodour, can be caused by several factors including diet and nicotine use, gum disease or poor oral hygiene. For mild cases, a lack of good oral hygiene can often be the case. In more severe cases, halitosis can be a sign of gum disease or infection. If bad breath persists and oral care at home does not alleviate it, then professional help should be sought out with a dentist who can investigate and treat the cause of bad breath.
How to Treat Bad Breath
Daily Oral Care
Treating bad breath can be as easy as improving your oral care routine at home. Brushing teeth and gums twice daily for two minutes each time with a Sonic Toothbrush is the best way to remove plaque and bacteria in the mouth that react with food and cause halitosis. It is essential that you use toothpaste that contains active ingredients to target the bacteria in the mouth and clean the teeth and gums sufficiently. Flossing daily with dental floss or a water flosser is also imperative in removing bacteria and food particles trapped in the mouth that can cause bad breath. Using alcohol-free mouthwash is an excellent way to prevent bad breath and can be used during the day or after mealtimes to boost breath’s freshness.
Targeted Oral Care Solutions
Use oral care solutions that are created specifically to combat bad breath to ensure that your oral care routine is as effective as possible. The more prescriptive your oral care solutions are, the better results you will see in your oral health. Use a toothpaste for bad breath, dental floss for bad breath and mouthwash for bad breath daily and you should see a big improvement in halitosis.
Treat the Cause
Smoking and diet are two major causes of bad breath. Avoid nicotine use, which dries out the mouth and results in the oral malodour associated with bad breath. Certain foods can cause bad breath too, including garlic, onions and alcohol. By avoiding these foods or brushing after eating, mild halitosis can be combated.
Oral Health Check Ups
Seeing your dentist and hygienist every 6 months is essential in preventing bacteria build up which can lead to bad breath. A hygienist will deep clean your teeth using professional tools that can reach areas of the mouth that at-home cleaning cannot. This is an essential part of your overall oral care routine and is an important part of treating bad breath and other oral health issues.
Getting Rid of Severe Bad Breath
There are several signs that will indicate whether your halitosis needs professional attention. If you are maintaining a good oral care routine as stated above but bad breath persists it can be a sign of gum disease or tooth decay, Visit your dentist for treatment which can include cleaning or antibiotics.